Professor Grier is an interdisciplinary scholar with diverse expertise across private, government, and non-profit sectors. Her research examines marketplace topics related to race, with a focus on enhancing consumer well-being. She has published her research in leading marketing, psychology, public health and policy journals. Professor Grier has policy experience based on two years at the Federal Trade Commission, and also has practical industry experience in Market Research, Brand Management and Marketing consulting. She is a co-founder of the Race in the Marketplace (RIM) Research Network which works to collaboratively advance our understanding of the role of race across diverse market domains. She serves on the Editorial Board for the Advertising and Society Quarterly (ASQ), Journal of Consumer Affairs (JCA), and the Journal of Public Policy and Marketing (JPPM). She previously served as a member of the Board of Scientific Counselors for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) National Center for Health Marketing, and on the Advisory Boards for the African American Obesity Research Collaborative Network (AACORN), Transformative Consumer Research (TCR), Institute of Medicine Food forum and the Ph.D. Project.